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Meet Redd

Redd is a cool dude. He brews his own craft beer. Listens to vinyl. Took improv at USB. Redd is convinced that his life is more fun at the pub and plans on being part of the paw-ty when he can catch a Lyft there. As a pup, Redd was the runt of litter and was once known as "Lil Redd". He grew up fast chasing balls and playing catch, which are still his favorite past times.

When Redd is not in his pub, he is on the road... windows down, music up. He's a fan of camping in Montana and has only seen a bear once on his hikes. Redd lives for your attention and will tap you with his nose when he needs you to look down... Interpretation: love me, pet me and most importantly feed me. Speaking of food, Redd's favorite treats are apples and carrots, and insists he was a vegan in his past life. Redd thinks dog beds are for the dogs and hogs the bed at night. But hey, he's the top dog now.

So, grab your favorite brew and hang with Redd. He's always down to meet new friends.

Q&A with Redd

What's Redd's Favorite Snack?

Apples and Carrots - always orders a salad on the side

Redd's Favorite Toy?

Ball, ball and don't forget about the ball... prefers the ball to be red (of course)

Redd's Drink of Choice?

Beer... local with a grassy aroma

Any Hidden Talent?

Still hidden. Unless catching treats in mid air are considered a talent

Other than the Pub, Redd's Favorite Place to be?

"Good Boy" camp each summer to meet up with his other buddies